Akamba “Wathi” Festival

in Kitui County.

As a way of recognizing and promoting our Culture, The Anzauni Clan will this year host Akamba “Wathi” Festival in Kitui County.

This Festival will be for all Akamba Clans.

We will raise funds together to make this the biggest event ever.

Proceeds will go to the winning and participating teams and to charity programmes selected by the organizers.

Let us come together as a community. Let’s take pride in and celebrate our traditional values and practices.

Contribute Towards Akamba “Wathi” Festival

Origin Story

The Anzauni Clan’s origin story is a tale woven with ancient threads, often depicting a journey or migration that led them to their current homeland in Kitui County.

Core Beliefs

Throughout our history, they have upheld core beliefs and values centered around unity, honor, resilience, and a deep reverence for their ancestors and traditions.

Leadership Structure

Leadership within the clan typically follows a structured hierarchy, with authority passed down through generations or earned through demonstrated wisdom and prowess.

Traditions and Rituals

Their traditions and rituals, ranging from rites of passage to communal feasts and storytelling gatherings, serve as pillars of their cultural identity.

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts or disputes are typically resolved through mediation or the intervention of respected elders, emphasizing the importance of maintaining unity.

Codes of Conduct

Adherence to specific rules or codes of conduct governs behavior within the community, fostering mutual respect and cooperation.

One Team, One Goal,
Explore Our Story!

The Anzauni Clan’s origin story is a tale woven with ancient threads, often depicting a journey or migration that led them to their current homeland. Throughout their history, they have upheld core beliefs and values centered around unity, honor, resilience, and a deep reverence for their ancestors and traditions. Leadership within the clan typically follows a structured hierarchy, with authority passed down through generations or earned through demonstrated wisdom and prowess. Their traditions and rituals, ranging from rites of passage to communal feasts and storytelling gatherings, serve as pillars of their cultural identity.

One Team, One Goal,
Explore Our Story!

Interactions with other clans or communities vary, influenced by historical relationships and current circumstances, ranging from alliances and trade agreements to occasional conflicts or competitions. Their geographic territory is defined by specific features such as mountains, forests, or rivers, where they have established settlements and sacred sites. Significant historical events and figures are woven into the fabric of their identity, inspiring tales of heroic deeds and legendary leaders.

Latest Projects

Members of the Anzauni Clan have made notable contributions in various fields, including craftsmanship, storytelling, diplomacy, and stewardship of the natural world. Knowledge and traditions are passed down through oral histories, mentorship, and participation in communal activities. Symbols and emblems representing the clan’s heritage and values serve as tangible reminders of their cultural identity.

Meet Our Team

The team comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds, brought together by a shared objective. Through open communication and mutual respect, they confront challenges collectively, celebrating achievements and providing support when needed. Their collaborative efforts and resilience propel them toward success.

Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli 


Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli 

Project Manager

Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli 

Finance Manager